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Catalogue of Localities

Stella inattivaStella inattivaStella inattivaStella inattivaStella inattiva

The new malacological taxa (genera, species and "varieties") described in Enumeratio Molluscorum Siciliae are reported alphabetically with the original nomenclature. Philippi introduced new names also for species which were already described, either as replacement names (e.g.: Rissoa suturalis Philippi, 1844 for Rissoa striata Philippi, 1836), or synonyms (e.g.: Tellina costae Philippi, 1836 for Psammobia cumana O.G. Costa, 1829). A small number of species, apparently described in the second volume (1844), had been formerly described in a short paper (Philippi, 1840), as reported by Palazzi (2002). Philippi's names are reported in CLEMAM, whenever available. Taxa described as living are indicated with "L", whereas "F" stands for fossil. LF and FL are used when a taxon was first described as living and then reported also as a fossil, and viceversa.

Varieties were in most cases indicated with Greek letters and briefly described (e.g..: "Var.β. radiis 12-14 alternis minoribus..."). In other cases they were formally named and described (es.: "catenifera; marmorata, radiis quatuor...") and only these names are reported in the present catalogue. Two species, described as molluscs, belong to different groups and were excluded from the list: Aspergillum maniculatum (1836, p.1, pl. 1, fig. 3) is a serpulid, whereas Orbis foliaceus (1844, p.147, pl. 24, fig. 6) is a foraminifer.

According to Cretella et al. (2005), Philippi (1836) and Scacchi (1836) were nomenclaturally published both on December 31st, whereas Philippi (1844) has priority on Forbes (1844).


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