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Classe Cephalopoda Cuvier, 1795

Sottoclasse Coleoidea Bather, 1888

Superordine Decapodiformes Young, Vecchione & Donovan, 1998

Ordine Sepiida

Famiglia Sepiolidae Leach,1817

Sottofamiglia Heteroteuthidinae Appelloef,1898

Genere Heteroteuthis Gray,1849

Heteroteuthis dispar (Rüppel,1844) -  4 - 5

Genere Stoloteuthis Verril,1881

Stoloteuthis leucoptera (Verril,1878) - 1 - 2 - 4 - 5

Stoloteuthis cthulhui Fernández-Álvarez, Sánchez & Villanueva, 2021 - 8

Sottofamiglia ROSSINAE Appellof,1898

Genere Rossia Owen,1835

Rossia macrosoma (Delle Chiaje,1830) - 4  - 5

Genere Neorossia Boletzky,1971

Neorossia caroli (Joubin,1902) - 4 - 5

Sottofamiglia SepiolinaeLeach, 1817

Genere Adinaefiola Bello, 2020

Adinaefiola aurantiaca Jatta, 1896 -  4 - 7

Adinaefiola ligulata Naef,1912 - 4 - 5 - 7

Genere Rondeletiola Naef,1921

Rondeletiola minor (Naef,1912) - 4 - 5

Genere Sepietta Naef,1912

Sepietta oweniana (d'Orbigny in Férussac e  d'Orbigny,1841) - 4 - 5

Sepietta obscura Naef,1916 -  4  -  5

Sepietta neglecta Naef,1916 -  4  -  5

Genere Sepiola Leach,1817

Sepiola affinis Naef, 1912 -  4 -  5

Sepiola aurantiaca Jatta, 1896 - 4

Sepiola boletzkyi Bello G. & Salman A. 2015 - 6

Sepiola bursadhaesa Bello, 2013 - 3

Sepiola intermedia Naef,1912 - 4 - 5

Sepiola ligulata Naef,1912 -  4 - 5

Sepiola robusta Naef,1912  - 4 - 5

Sepiola rondeletii Leach, 1817 - 4

Sepiola steenstrupiana Levy, 1912 - 4

1Orsi Relini L., Massi D., 1991. The butterfly squid Stoloteuthis leucoptera in Mediterranean. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K., 71: 47-51
2Volpi C., Borri M., Zucchi A., Zandee M., 2003. Notes on the family Sepiolidae (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) off the Northern Tuscany coast. Bull. Inst. Océanogr. Monaco, n° spec. 16: 27-34
3Bello G. Description of a new sepioline species, Sepiola bursadhaesa n. sp. (Cephalopoda: Sepiolidae), from the Catalan Sea, with remarks and identification key for the Sepiola atlantica group. Scientia marina 77(3): 489-499
4Bello G., 2008. Cephalopoda. Biol. Mar. Mediterr., 15: 318-322.
5Capua, D. 2004. I Cefalopodi delle coste e dell’Arcipelago Toscano. 466 pp. Roma (Evolver). 32
62015 · Bello G. & Salman A. Description of a new sepioline species, Sepiola boletzkyi sp. nov. (Cephalopoda: Sepiolidae), from the Aegean Sea. European Journal of Taxonomy 144: 1–12. http://dx.doi.org/10.5852/ejt.2015.144
7Bello G. (2020). Evolution of the hectocotylus in Sepiolinae (Cephalopoda: Sepiolidae) and description of four new genera. European Journal of Taxonomy. 655: 1-53., available online at https://doi.org/10.5852/ejt.2020.655
8Fernández-Álvarez F.Á., Sánchez P. & Villanueva R. (2021). Morphological and molecular assessments of Bobtail Squids (Cephalopoda: Sepiolidae) reveal a hidden history of biodiversity. Frontiers in Marine Science. 7: 632261: 1-21., available online at https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2020.632261



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