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Classe Gastropoda Cuvier, 1795

Sottoclasse VetigastropodaSalvini-Plawen, 1980

Ordine Lepetellida Moskalev, 1971

Superfamiglia HaliotoideaRafinesque, 1815

Famiglia Haliotidae Rafinesque, 1815 - 1

Genere HaliotisLinnaeus, 1758

Haliotis mykonosensis Owen, Hanavan & Hall, 2001 vedi Haliotis tuberculata tuberculata- 5

Haliotis pustulata Reeve, 1846 vedi Haliotis rugosa pustulata

Haliotis rugosa pustulata Reeve, 1846  -  2 - 3

Haliotis secernenda Monterosato, 1877 - 4 - vedi Haliotis tuberculata tuberculata

Haliotis stomatiaeformis Reeve, 1846 - 5

Haliotis tuberculata coccinea Reeve, 1846 - 5

Haliotis tuberculata tuberculata Linnaeus, 1758 - 1 - 5


1Geiger D.L. & Owen B. (2012) Abalone: Worldwide Haliotidae. Hackenheim: Conchbooks. viii + 361 pp.
2Owen, B. (2013). Notes on the correct taxonomic status of Haliotis rugosa Lamarck, 1822, and Haliotis pustulata Reeve, 1846, with description of a new subspecies from Rodrigues Island, Mascarene Islands, Indian Ocean (Mollusca: Vetigastropoda: Haliotidae).Zootaxa. 3646(2): 189., available online athttp://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3646.2.7
3Gohar, H. A. F. (1954). The place of the Red Sea between the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean. Istanbul Universitesi Fen Fakultesi Hidrobiologi. (B)2(2-3):47-82, map 1. (x-1954)
4Appolloni, M.; Smriglio, C.; Amati, B.; Lugliè, L.; Nofroni, I.; Tringali, L. P.; Mariottini, P.; Oliverio, M. (2018). Catalogue of the primary types of marine molluscan taxa described by Tommaso Allery Di Maria, Marquis of Monterosato, deposited in the Museo Civico di Zoologia, Roma. Zootaxa. 4477(1): 1-138
5Chiappa, G.; Fassio, G.; Corso, A.; Crocetta, F.; Modica, M. V.; Oliverio, M. (2022). How many abalone species live in the Mediterranean Sea?. Diversity. 14(12): 1107: 1-16., available online at https://doi.org/10.3390/d14121107



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