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Classe Gastropoda Cuvier, 1795

Sottoclasse Heterobranchia

Infraclasse Euthyneura

Ordine Runcinida

Superfamiglia Runcinoidea H. Adams & A. Adams, 1854

Famiglia Runcinidae H. Adams & A. Adams, 18546

Genere Pseudoruncina A. K. Araujo, Pola, Malaquias, Vitale & Cervera, 2023 - 3

Pseudoruncina marinae A. K. Araujo, Pola, Malaquias, Vitale & Cervera, 2023 - 3

Genere Runcina Forbes [in Forbes & Hanley], 1851

Runcina adriatica T. E. Thompson, 1980 - 1

Runcina africana Pruvot-Fol, 1953 - 2

Runcina brenkoae T. E. Thompson, 1980 - 1

Runcina coronata (Quatrefages, 1844)

Runcina ferruginea Kress, 1977 - 1

Runcina lupiaensis A. K. Araujo, Pola, Malaquias, Vitale & Cervera, 2023 - 3

Runcina ornata (Quatrefages, 1844) - 1

Runcina zavodniki T. E. Thompson, 1980- 3


1Furfaro G., Vitale F., Licchelli C., Mariottini P. 2020. Two seas for one great diversity: checklist of the marine Heterobranchia (Mollusca; Gastropoda) from the Salento Peninsula (south-east Italy). Diversity, 12, 171.
2Cervera, J. L.; Garci-Gomez, J. C.; Garcia, F. J. (1991). The Genus Runcina Forbes and Hanley, 1851 (Opisthobranchia: Cephalaspidea) in the Strait of Gibraltar, with the Description of a New Species from the Bay of Algeciras. Journal of Molluscan Studies. 57(Supplement Part 4): 199-208.
3Araujo, A. K., Pola, M., Malaquias, M. A. E., Vitale, F. & Cervera, J. L. (2023). Integrative taxonomy reveals that not all European reddish runcinids are the same: the case of the Runcina ferruginea Kress, 1977 (Gastropoda, Heterobranchia, Runcinida) species-complex, with the description of a new genus. Invertebrate Systematics. 37(1): 61-77.https://doi.org/10.1071/is22014



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