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Classe Bivalvia Linnaeus, 1758

Sottoclasse Heterodonta Neumayr, 1884

Infraclasse Euheterodonta Giribet & Distel, 2003

Ordine Anomalodesmata Dall, 1889

Superfamiglia Verticordioidea Stoliczka, 1870

Famiglia Lyonsiellidae Dall, 1895

Genere Allogramma Dall, 1903

Allogramma formosa (J. G. Jeffreys, 1882)  -  1 - 2

Genere Policordia Dall, Bartsch & Rehder, 1938

Policordia gemma (Verrill, 1880)

Genere Lyonsiella G.O. Sars, 1872

Lyonsiella compressa (Locard, 1898) taxon inquirendum

Lyonsiella sinuosa (Jeffreys, 1882)  -  1


1Huber, M. (2010). Compendium of bivalves. A full-color guide to 3,300 of the world’s marine bivalves. A status on Bivalvia after 250 years of research. Hackenheim: ConchBooks. 901 pp.

poichè la parola di origine greca Allogrammaè un sostantivo maschile, applicando l'art. 34.2 dell'ICZN il nome specifico corretto da utilizzare èformosus.

art. ICZN

34.2. Species-group names. The ending of a Latin or latinized adjectival or participial species-group name must agree in gender with the generic name with which it is at any time combined [Art. 31.2]; if the gender ending is incorrect it must be changed accordingly (the author and date of the name remain unchanged [Art. 50.3.2]).

ultimo aggiornamento 25/02/2018







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