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Classe Cephalopoda Cuvier, 1795

Sottoclasse Coleoidea Bather, 1888

Superordine Decapodiformes Young, Vecchione & Donovan, 1998

Ordine Oegopsida d'Orbigny, 1845

Famiglia Architeuthidae Pfeffer, 1900

Genere Architeuthis Steenstrup, 1857

Architeuthis sp.- 1 - 2 vedi Architeuthis dux

Architeuthis dux Steenstrup, 1857  - 3


1Gonzales M., Fernandez-Casado M., Rodriguez M.P., Segura A., Jesus J., 2000. First record of giant squid Architeutis sp. (Architeuthidae) in the Mediterranean Sea. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K., 80: 745-746.
2Bello, G. 2004. The biogeography of Mediterranean cephalopods. Biogeographia 33: 209-226
3Giambattista Bello, 2017. An update of the Cephalopoda list in the Checklist of the flora and fauna in Italian seas. Boll. Malacol., 53: 69-71 (2, 30/11/2017)

Ultimo aggiornamento 08/01/2018



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