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Classe Gastropoda CUVIER, 1795

Ordine Stylommatophora A. SCHMIDT, 1855

Sottordine Orthurethra PILSBRY, 1900

Superfamiglia Pupilloidea TURTON, 1831

Famiglia Pyramidulidae KENNARD & B.B. WOODWARD, 1914

Genere Pyramidula FITZINGER, 1833

Pyramidula cephalonica (WESTERLUND, 1898) - not present in Italy -  1

Pyramidula pusilla (VALLOT, 1801) – IT-ITA -  1

Pyramidula rupestris (DRAPARNAUD, 1801) - not present in Italy -  1

Pyramidula saxatilis Hartmann, 1842  – IT-ITA -  1

Pyramidula jaenensis (Clessin, 1882) – IT-ITA, IT-SAR, IT-SI  -  1

1Razkin, Sonet, Breugelmans, Madeira, Gómez-Moliner, Backeljau. Species limits, interspecific hybridization and phylogeny in the cryptic land snail complex Pyramidula: The power of RADseq data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. Volume 101, August 2016, Pages 267–278.

Ultimo aggiornamento 15/08/2016




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