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Boll. Malacol., 60 pp 80-82

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A new and remarkable species of Ringicula Deshayes, 1838 (Gastropoda: Ringiculidae) from West Africa

Andrea Nappo* & Frank Swinnen#
*Malakos Malacological
Museum. Loc. Garavelle,
Città di Castello (PG).
06012 Italy; 19 Peace, Triq
San Gejtanu, Il-Ħamrun,
HMR 1319, Malta,
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(*) corresponding author
#Royal Belgian Institute of
Natural Sciences, D.O.
Taxonomy & Phylogeny,
Vautier Straat 29, 1000
Brussels, Belgium; Estação de
Biologia Marinha and Museu
Municipal do Funchal,
Madeira, Cais do Carvão
Promenade da Orla Maritima
do Funchal, Portugal,
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Ringicula overwegae n. sp., a West African member of the Ringiculidae, is described based on its shell morphological features. The distinctive traits of this new taxon set it apart unmistakably from other Ringicula species found in the Atlantic Ocean.

Key words
Mollusca, Gastropoda, Heterobranchia, Euthyneura, Atlantic Ocean, new species.
[Una nuova rimarchevole specie di Ringicula Deshayes, 1838 (Gastropoda: Ringiculidae) dall’Africa Occidentale] Ringicula overwegae n. sp., un membro della famiglia Ringiculidae dell’Africa occidentale, è descritto in base alle sue caratteristiche morfologiche della conchiglia. I tratti distintivi di questo nuovo taxon lo differenziano in modo inequivocabile da altre specie di Ringicula presenti nell’Oceano Atlantico.

Parole chiave
Mollusca, Gastropoda, Heterobranchia, Euthyneura, Oceano Atlantico, nuova specie.

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