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Boll. Malacol., 59 pp 152-153

Stella inattivaStella inattivaStella inattivaStella inattivaStella inattiva

Book review The molluscs of Gulf of Mannar, India and adjacent waters: A fully illustrated guide

Paolo G. Albano
Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Italy
J.K. Patterson Edward, R. Ravinesh, A. Biju Kumar (Authors), Henk Dekker & P. Graham Oliver (Editors)

Suganthi Devadason Marine Research Institute (SDMRI), Tamil Nadu, India & Department of Aquatic
Biology and Fisheries, University of Kerala, India, 2022. 524 pp., completely illustrated in colour.
ISBN 978-93-5578-898-6. Hardcover with dust jacket.

The Indo-Pacific is the most diverse marine biogeographic province but still much underexplored and understudied. Most identification guides cover the western Pacific Ocean while the Indian Ocean is comparatively poorly covered by authoritative books.
Therefore, I got quite excited when I spotted this volume, and my expectations have not been disappointed. Indeed, this is a massive 500+-pages A4- format book covering more than a thousand species belonging to all classes of shelled molluscs. The book derives from intense sampling efforts by the authors and enjoys the support of taxonomic experts resulting in the kind of authoritative books on the Indian Ocean that is so desperately needed.


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