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Classe Gastropoda Cuvier, 1795

Sottoclasse VetigastropodaSalvini-Plawen, 1980

Ordine Lepetellida Moskalev, 1971

Superfamiglia ScissurelloideaGray, 1847  -1 - 2

Famiglia Larocheidae Finlay, 1927

Genere Trogloconcha Kase & Kano, 2002

Trogloconcha yoidanyi Giusti, Pagli & Micali, 2018 -  3 - 4




1Geiger D.L. (2003) Phylogenetic assessment of characters proposed for the generic classification of Recent Scissurellidae (Gastropoda: Vetigastropoda) with a description of one new genus and six new species frop Easter Island and Australia. Molluscan Research 23: 21-83.
2Geiger, D. L. (2012) Monograph of the Little Slit Shells. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. 1291 pp, 1042 figs., 5 color plates, 11 identification cards.
3Bogi C. & Sbrana C. First record of Trogloconcha sp. (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Larocheidae) in the Mediterranean sea. Iberus, 32 (2): 211-213, 2014.
4Francesco Giusti, Attilio Pagli & Pasquale Micali. Trogloconcha yoidanyi n. sp. from the north Tyrrhenian Sea (Gastropoda: Larocheidae). Boll. Malacol., 54: 107-109 (2, 30/11/2018).

Ultimo aggiornamento 18/12/2018



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