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Classe Gastropoda CUVIER, 1795

Ordine Stylommatophora A. SCHMIDT, 1855

Sottordine Orthurethra PILSBRY, 1900

Superfamiglia Pupilloidea TURTON, 1831

Famiglia Valloniidae MORSE, 1864

Sottofamiglia Valloniinae MORSE, 1864

Genere Vallonia RISSO, 1826

Vallonia costata (O.F. MÜLLER, 1774) – IT-ITA

Vallonia enniensis (GREDLER, 1856) – IT-ITA

Vallonia excentrica STERKI, 1893 – IT-ITA, IT-SAR

Vallonia pulchella (O.F. MÜLLER, 1774) – IT-ITA, IT-SAR, IT-SI

Vallonia suevica GEYER, 1908 – IT-ITA

Genere Gittenbergia GIUSTI, CASTAGNOLO & MANGANELLI, 1985

Gittenbergia sororcula (BENOIT, 1859) – IT-ITA, IT-SI

Genere Acanthinula H. BECK, 1837

Acanthinula aculeata (O.F. MÜLLER, 1774) – IT-ITA, IT-SAR, IT-SI

Genere Plagyrona Gittenberger, 1977

Plagyrona placida (SHUTTLEWORTH, 1852) – IT-ITA, IT-SAR  -  1



1Cianfanelli S., Nardi G. & Bodon M., 2012. A new record for the Italian fauna: Plagyrona placida (Shuttleworth, 1852) from Sardinia and Southern Italy (Gastropoda Pulmonata Valloniidae). Biodiversity Journal, 3 (4): 527-542.




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