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Edited and published in 2010 by the Netherlands Malacological Society (NMV) a book, titled:

Mattheus Marinus Schepman (1847-1919) and his contributions to malacology - A malacological biography and bibliography by A.N. van der Bijl, R.G. Moolenbeek en J. Goud will be available from April 17th onwards. 200pp., 300col.figs., hardcover, Dutch summary, 245 x 320 mm. This publication contains about everything you might want to know about Schepman: his life, collection, library, national and international contacts, publications and also the taxa introduced by him and eponyms. Schepman is best known for his research on the shelled gastropods, which were collected during the Siboga Expedition (1899-1900). All taxa are illustrated, either by a picture or by a reproduction of the original figure. All plates from the Siboga Monographs are reproduced in their original size.

Members of the NMV

Members of the NMV can buy one single copy of the book for € 20.00; plus the postage. Towards European countries this will be € 13.25, towards countries outside Europe € 21.50. One can order the book via the Honourable Treasurer, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. After reception of the money, the book will be sent with priority mail.


Payments can be arranged via bank: IBAN NL51ABNA0566948540; BIC/SWIFT: ABNANL2A in the name of the Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging. The address of the bank: ABN-AMRO, Singelstraat 3, 4461 HZ Goes, The Netherlands. One can also use PayPal and send money to the account of the e-mail address: (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Payment by credit card is possible, but an amount of 5% will be added for credit card company's costs. Please send the credit card information by post or by e-mail (in that case with the 3 digit number from the back of the card in a separate mail).


For non-members the price is € 45.00, postage excluded. The book could also be bought at Backhuys Publishers , Conchbooks or Bram van der Bijl e-mail: (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).


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Tramite una manipolazione meccanica allo stato embrionale, all'università di Tokyo gli scienziati sono riusciti ad invertire il verso di crescita della spirale del guscio di alcuni esemplari di Lymnaea stagnalis (Linné, 1758). Di norma sono i geni a determinare lo sviluppo ontogenetico dei molluschi. Il senso della spirale della conchiglia e la disposizione degli organi sono predeterminati dal DNA. Gli scienziati giapponesi sono riusciti a manipolare questo sviluppo intervenendo sugli embrioni (di ancora otto cellule), inserendo sottilissimi bastoncini di vetro in modo da spostare alcune cellule obbligando il verso di sviluppo della spirale.

Con la crescita, gli organismi hanno sviluppato il guscio ed i vari organi in maniera invertita rispetto a quella indicata dal loro DNA. Com'è però da aspettarsi, questa inversione non è stata propagata alle generazioni successive. La scoperta è stata pubblicata su "Nature", e mostra sicuramente un indizio importante per capire meglio i motivi delle inversioni che a volte si riscontrano nelle specie di gasteropodi.

Michele Montaguti

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