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Boll. Malacol., 60 pp I-II

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Editoriale: Nuove norme per gli autori

Paolo G. Albano
Paolo G. Albano
Direttore Scientifico del Bollettino Malacologico
Dear Members, Readers and Authors,
in the last few years, several novelties have occurred for Bollettino Malacologico. Some of the most important novelties are that manuscripts are now published online as soon as accepted, that each paper has a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), that is, a code that enables locating it on the internet, and that every paper with taxonomic content and new taxa is registered in Zoobank, as announced in the Editorial published in the first issue of volume 58 (2022). These novelties as well as organizational and editorial needs required also changing the instructions to authors. Their new version was published
on the Society’s website already in October 2023 and will take effect from 1 January 2024.

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